Advertising messages in your region

Would you like to advertise your company, but don't know how to go about it or are concerned about the budget? With the optimal mix of online ads, ads in our regional newspapers and commuter media, and digital outdoor advertising, you can reach your target audience with minimal wasted coverage and without unnecessary advertising spend.

Let us work together to create a customized campaign for your products or services - from a single source, uncomplicated, efficient and starting at CHF 500.

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Over two million people read the Tages-Anzeiger, 20 Minuten, Berner Zeitung and Co. every day. Thanks to our wide range of titles, your print advertising will not only reach very many readers, but the right ones. Once printed, your print advertising cannot simply be clicked away and creates great trust.


Your advertising message reaches a wide range and at the same time, thanks to targeting, you can reach the desired people where you expect the greatest advertising impact. Whether via smartphone, tablet, desktop or in combination with outdoor advertising - we will find the right advertising format for your message.

Halfpage, Rectangle or rather Wideboard?

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Outdoor advertising

Our focus is on placing your outdoor advertising specifically where your clientele spends time and where it generates the most attention. We offer you the opportunity to book all programmatically bookable DOOH sites in Switzerland and also combine them with online advertising.

The digital billboard sites are located in cities, train stations, shopping centers, POS, bus stops, and other highly frequented places.

This is how it works:

3 steps to your regional advertising campaign

1. you define your advertising area

Determine the region in which you want your advertising campaign to be played. If necessary, we can limit your target region to a radius of just one kilometer. This way, the campaign reaches your target group with as little wastage as possible.

2. you define the budget and the term

A regional campaign in your region is possible from as little as CHF 500. Tell your regional contact persons with which duration and budget you would like to run the campaign.

3. we place your campaign

Now we place the advertising message in your region: as an ad on the relevant online platforms and our digital outdoor posters or as an ad in our regional newspapers and commuter media. Your regional consultants optimize the campaign and get the most out of the defined budget.

Our service promise


One contact person

Your personal advertising professional will guide you through the entire process and ensure that the campaign is tailored to your exact needs.

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Creation advertising material

We design your advertising materials for you and with you - quickly and free of charge. All we need is your logo, your core message and a suitable image.

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Live Reporting

Transparency towards our customers is important to us. From the start of the campaign, we provide you with customized live reporting. Check the success of your campaign on an ongoing basis - available at any time, up-to-date and clear.

Advertising professionals in your region

Interested? Do not hesitate and contact us. Our advertising professionals know your region very well and are always ready to work out with you an advertising campaign tailored to your needs. We look forward to hearing from you!

Mühlethaler Angelina.jpg
Angelina Mühlethaler
Sales Consultant Goldbach Regional
Röthlisberger-Lerch Corinne.jpg
Corinne Röthlisberger-Lerch
Sales Consultant Goldbach Regional
Mentele David.jpg
David Mentele
Senior Sales Consultant Goldbach Regional
Meister Ken.jpg
Ken Meister
Deputy Sales Director Goldbach Regional
Michael​ Probst.jpg
Michael Probst
Senior Sales Consultant Goldbach Regional
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Sandro Bürgi
Sales Director / Deputy Managing Director Goldbach Regional
Friedli Sara.jpg
Sara Friedli
Key Account Manager Goldbach Regional
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Steffen Altenburg
Senior Sales Consultant Goldbach Regional

Your advantages

  • Optimal advertising mix of online and outdoor advertising as well as advertisements in regional newspapers and commuter media
  • High-reach campaigns for a small advertising budget
  • Online advertising on over 260 trusted premium and media websites
  • Transparent 360° reporting of your campaigns
  • Experienced advertising professionals to contact in your region
  • Precise and regional targeting possible thanks to geo-targeting
  • Planning, creation and implementation of the advertising campaign is done from one source
  • Minimal effort for campaign creation due to online booking tool
  • Automatic and continuous optimization of the campaign