Game on!

Swiss Radioworld cooperates with Audiomob and brings in-game audio advertising to Switzerland. Reach gamers on their smartphones with your audio ads - during the game and without interruption!

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Audio goes creative

Swiss Radioworld and Publicis Media realise a creative audio campaign on Spotify for Cantadou. The product line and its own playlist are promoted cross-media. 

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Added media performance

With the measurement of radio usage, Mediapulse provides an official currency and has now been able to close a measurement gap for the first time. For advertisers, this results in additional reach.

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Audio advertising: direct address at the right moment

Classic radio is the oldest electronic mass medium. Even today, a large part of the Swiss population consumes radio as a companion medium in everyday life. This makes radio advertising an effective advertising medium for you. Auditory advertising messages speak directly to listeners and create an emotional bond.

But classic radio is no longer alone in the field of audio advertising. With digital audio - which includes the live and web channels of select radio stations or streaming services such as Spotify or Soundcloud - you can find advertising platforms with millions of users. Or you can address people right at the point of purchase. We market Coop Instore Radio exclusively and can thus offer you an ideal advertising environment directly at the POS.

What these three types of audio advertising have in common is that they reach people in a wide variety of life situations. Be it while driving, at work, during sports or directly while shopping. Your advertising message often reaches people at just the right moment, which increases the impact. Audio advertising gives your message a high level of acceptance and credibility. It is also suitable as an accompanying medium for cross-media campaigns.

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Classic Radio
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Digital audio

Advantages of audio advertising

  • Reach: A large proportion of the Swiss population listens to the radio every day or uses streaming services. In addition, reach can be built up quickly through audio advertising
  • Credibility: As the oldest electronic mass medium, radio advertising in particular enjoys a high level of credibility.
  • Targeted advertising: With our more than 50 radio stations, live and web channels, streaming services or Coop Instore Radio, you have various platforms at your disposal for your audio advertising
  • Realization: audio advertising can be implemented in a short time
  • Cross-media advertising: Audio advertising is the ideal accompanying medium for cross-media campaigns
  • Mobile devices: Today, practically every person owns a device on which audio advertising can be played.
  • Low costs: Our partner sound studios realize audio advertising media quickly and cost-effectively