Online advertising: moving image campaigns transparent, uncomplicated, programmatic

Online advertising continues to win over advertisers. Why is that? Online advertising enables advertisers to address their advertising media specifically to certain target groups. Thanks to various targeting options and a programmatic approach, online advertising offers a very efficient way of addressing target groups. In addition, online advertising impresses with its precise measurability of results and success metrics, such as click-through rate, impressions, conversions, and cost per click. Advertisers can therefore continuously optimize and adjust their online advertising campaigns to increase effectiveness.

What we have been observing for years: The triumph of moving images continues! Video content is taking up more and more space on all screens, in line with today's information and consumer behavior. Online advertising - and especially online video - is therefore more important than ever for advertisers. With our data-driven and contextual targeting approach, our online advertising offers you efficient targeting as well as positioning in high-quality environments. Contact us - we will be happy to advise you on how to implement successful online advertising.

Advantages of online advertising

  • High attention of the users
  • Efficient targeting through positioning in a high-value environment
  • Easy extension of classic TV and DOOH campaigns
  • Multiscreen delivery (display on PC, smartphone and/or tablet)
  • Multi-SSP and data-driven targeting approach

Media data and technical specifications for online

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Media Kit 2023
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Technical Specifications

Content on the topic of programmatic advertising in online advertising

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Programmatic advertising in the online sector

Do you want to know how Programmatic really works? Then we recommend our whitepaper on the topic of programmatic advertising.

Buzzwords explained simply: Programmatic Online

Here you will find all the terms related to Programmatic Online.

You would like to place online advertising? We will be happy to advise you.

If you are interested in an online campaign, just contact us and we will be happy to advise you.

Hubert Hattowski
Unit Director Online Video & CTV
Goldbach Germany GmbH - Unterföhring
Goldbach Germany GmbH
Bookable as speaker
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Nenad Ristic
Senior Sales & Consulting Online Video & CTV
Goldbach Germany GmbH - Unterföhring
Goldbach Germany GmbH
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Philipp Sonder
Sales & Consulting Online Video & CTV
Goldbach Germany GmbH - Unterföhring
Goldbach Germany GmbH
Maria Jonecko
Publisher Manager Online Video
Goldbach Germany GmbH - Unterföhring
Goldbach Germany GmbH

Q&A about online advertising

Why book online advertising?

The advantages: Online advertising is cost-effective, targeted and available around the clock. In addition, you reach your target group very precisely through various targeting options.

Why is online advertising so efficient?

In addition, online advertising impresses with the precise measurability of results and success metrics, such as click-through rate, impressions, conversions, and cost per click. Advertisers can therefore continuously optimize and adjust their online advertising campaigns to increase effectiveness.

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